Friday, February 7, 2014

Armor Fallout

I wore the armor to Dystopia Rising last week. While it worked out fairly well and it got me an additional 12 hp, it had some down sides which I will list here.

What worked: My overall requirements for this armor was that it was comfortable and soft enough to sleep in. I think that succeeded fairly well.
The second requirement was that it was light and easy to ware. Again, it was success.

What didn't work: A lot of the various edges on the armor got caught on things, so I need to find a way to fix that. Mostly the metal panels caught on other peoples armor, and whenever I need to put on my backpack for traveling it got caught on my arm bow.
The sealer I used on my armor was sticky around the neckline. My hair was stuck to it that morning. it made for a very un-fun morning. I'll be tacking a piece of fur around those areas I think.
The belt piece for the panels wouldn't hold together. I ended up tieing them on. Honestly, I probably stick with the ties too.
Finally, the leg bracers of bamboo didn't hold with their original straps.  I ended up taping them on. I plan to wrap elastic around the outer most sticks and just using them that way, or using some sort of ties that wrap around to keep them up and on.
The pouch I had attached ot the plates fell off, but the pockets I had on the vest worked to hold small things like my bullets and cards.

Overall, it worked out well. I do need to figure out a helmet, and some sort of cover for my theighs though in the future.

Feel free to ask questions, leave comments, etc. I"m always up for a chat!

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