Friday, February 14, 2014


I dabble in a lot of various crafts. You'll see a lot of different things from me over time on here. It all depends on my moods, my interests, what's needed from me, what's wanted, who's asking for something, etc.

At this moment I've had a request for mini dragons out of clay. Now if you do any sort of searching on etsy, deviant art, or any crafting site, various types of dragon statues will show up.

Some amazing creators are,, and to name a few.

Furthermore, with a little patience, and some help from tutorials on deviantart you can make anything. For the dragons I'll be making I used this tutorial.

In my attempt to have fun and learn to make a few of these for friends I may have...gone a  bit over board! :)

Since I linked the tutorial above this will be less of a tutorial in it self and more of a I just had fun post. When I make these I generally work on the heads first. In this round I figured out different styles of eyes. While i was using dots before, here I used slits.

 After the eyes I work on the horn designs. There are so many different ways to do these it's really up to your imagination. Dragons and Beasties linked above has tons of different ways she does horns, but I don't recomment copying styles. Lookign to learn is good but coming up with your own horns and spots can be fun too.
 After heads were done with horns and eyes the heads got put on the bodyies. Then I began exploring different styles of designs on the bodies.
 This one got little purple stripes and the bottom one got black stripes.

In this pic I show these little guys after firing. It doesn't change much in looks, but they are fairly solid now. I put them in at 275 degrees for about 30 minutes.

This last pick is after they've been glazed and I let them sit overnight to dry. I think I might need to reglaze them or something. I'm not very sure one coat is enough? maybe it is.

Overall, there's many different styles that can be done and this is really easy, with a little patience, to build.
Feel free to ask questions, leave comments, etc. I"m always up for a chat!

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