Friday, February 13, 2015

Absence and Horns

Sorry dear readers. It's been a rough start to the new year. My husband began a new job, a bunch of bills pilled up and have been taking their toll. The house is up for sale. I've been working small events that haven't brought in much. And the big event I was lookign forward to exploded. All of this didn't add u pto the doctor visit.

Yes, I went to a doctor.

The world blew up from there.

You see I haven't been to a medical facility in years. However my husband decided it was high time to do something cuz I was and am having a hard time focusing, had massive head aches, and terrible moodswings. And I"m not pregnant!

Thus something was off. I've always known something was off, but never worried about it. Long story short manic depressive with high spurts of manic.

Steps are taken.

In the mean time I said there would be horns.

Doing these is very very simple. It's just a lot of twisting and playing around. It's a great beginner craft for clay.