Everyone does them after some point of playing with those addicting little guns; either because a gun breaks down, or out of curiosity, or because a friend did it before and showed it off.
This week I'm only focusing on the painting of one, but you can go inside a nerf gun and mod the bejeebus out of their guts to make them fly faster, longer, hit harder, etc.
Painting a nerf gun is....well fairly simple.
Figure out a color theme. Do a base coat of black or white, or whatever you want your base color to be. Most of these are black. I have a plan for a white based one and a blue based one but that's i nthe future.
After that all it takes is fuguring out what colors will go where. I use P3 acrylic paints for painting small figures, but any acrylic works.
This key is a precise hand, and working slowly. Otherwise you get sloppy spots.
You will need:
A nerf gun. Find one from goodwill. Thats where I got most of my bases.
Paints-Acrylic, and a base coat. I just used the cheapest spray paint i could find.
Paint brushes, etc
This was one of two I painted up for Dystopia Rising. (I kinda wish I had kept it. I really liked the design. Now I'm keeping an eye out for another of this type)
This was the second long rifle I painted. It comes in 4 parts. This is the middle secontion with the clip in.
The long rifle is all togethere here. I Think I was still adding touches here and there as I put it together to get the colors to flow better.
This was a bow I did a long time ago. One of the crappy rebel bows. I used a different type of paint, on that cracks and has texture because I wanted it to look old a rusty.
This one is to show that you need to make sure you get your base coat in all the nooks and crannies. I missed the bullet slots a bit and the orange showed through.
The roses and both of these were done by a friend who is an amazing artist.
Another smaller bow that never really got used unfortunately. The little sigils said somethign but I don't recall now. lol.
And finally the rifle I did for my husband. he played a strain called a Murican. As the name suggests they tend to be very...patriotic, annoying, lod, etc. Typical American really. They paint their stuff with the old red, white, and blue so his gun is a little...flamboyant
Overall, these can be very fun if you're just painting. Working on the inner guts can be very aggrivating if you're new to it. I lost a few guns when I firsted started.
Also to note!! All Nerf Guns Must have an Orange Tip as per the laws so that cops don't mistake them for real guns.
Feel free to always ask questions, comments, etc. I'm always up for a chat.
And never forget. If you don't try you won't find out if you can do something cool. Errors will happen. Don't fear them, just learn from them.
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